Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We continue to be thankful to the Lord for your love, care and concern and partnership. Thank you for your prayers. We and the whole team that the Lord has given us to work with in our ministry are well and have been kept safe from COVID-19.
Here is a short Update:
- COVID-19. As of yesterday, June 11, Zimbabwe has had 332 confirmed cases; 51 recoveries, and 4 deaths. the overwhelming majority of the cases are returnees from South Africa and their contacts.
In the Mashoko area, we have one positive case , about 5 miles from here, who was sent home for self isolation. Unfortunately, she and her family do not seem to be doing the self-isolation well. She is a returnee from South Africa who was quarantined at the border and tested.
We have intensified our Community Coronavirus education especially on PREVENTION. The Chief of the area, Chief Mabika has been a great help in this.
This vehicle arrived and is at the Zimbabwe Association of Church Related Hospitals in Harare. We will collect it next week. (see picture). As labeled, it is going to be mostly for Outreach and Short term Ministries. Come and ride it.
- For what the Lord enabled us to accomplish from January 1 to April 30, 2020, kindly find the attached statistics.
May the Lord bless you.
Zindoga and Dinah.
- Statistics January to April 30.
- Dr. Kudzayi Chisenwa giving a COVID-19 PREVENTION speech to Chief Mabika and his Community leaders.
- Chief Mabika.
- Chief Mabika’s Headmen and Kraal Heads.
- A mother breastfeeding her new-born baby.
- Dr. John Muungani resuscitating a newborn.
- Child with fracture of the left elbow.
- Grandmother with granddaughter in Pediatric ward.
- Mother who is very happy because her child has been healed and is ready to go home.
- The 4 x 4 Toyota Land Cruiser.
- Labeling .
- Father and Son at work.
- Dr. B wearing a mask to enter a village.